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2024 г. апрель 18 д., четверг - Информационный портал
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Lankomumo reitingas Версия для печати Spausdinti
What is a Bad Petstore?

In a perfect world, exotic birds would not be held captive in pet stores or in our homes. They would be free to fly in their native homelands, breeding, raising their own chicks, and living as nature intended. The greed of the pet trade has resulted in these wild, intelligent animals being kept in cages as "pets", which causes them unforgivable stress and frustrations. Many of us became aware of the problems facing captive exotic birds by discovering particularly disgraceful pet stores keeping birds in egregious conditions.

Ideally, pet stores would never sell animals, only supplies. Most animals sold in pet stores are either overpopulated already, exotic animals that do not make good pets, or both! "Bad" pet stores carrying exotic birds contain at least one of the following criteria:

* Birds caged together in crowded cages, and/or with birds of other species.

* Birds in cages too small, and/or with bar spacing too wide.

* Dirty cages: includes a build-up of droppings on cage bottom, dirty cage bars, soiled food and water cups.

* A diet of seeds only, or of other unhealthy foods. A lack of food and/or water. A lack of proper full-spectrum lighting and an opportunity for exercise. A lack of toys and other mental stimulation.

* Obvious signs of behavioral problems in their birds. These might include neurotic head-bobbing, extreme fear of humans, constant crying or screaming, feather picking, etc. This would indicate neglect/abuse, lack of socialization, and/or improper weaning.

* Obvious signs of illness in birds. This might include fluffed feathers, discharge from nares or eyes, vent feathers crusted with droppings, constant sleeping, inactive birds on bottom of cage, etc.

* Uneducated staff. Staff may use gross generalizatons such as "Eclectus are bitey birds" or "you should hand feed this chick so that he bonds to you." Staff may be afraid to handle birds. Staff who neglect to inform customers of the possible problems they may have with birds (messiness, noise level, dependence issues, etc.) This is consumer fraud! Staff who are rude when approached about problems within the store.

* The selling of unweaned birds. Bird should NEVER be sold from pet stores unweaned, not even to experienced hand-feeders. Store staff may insist that by hand-feeding a bird, you will bond with the bird. While hand-feeding is an effective way to bond with a chick, the lack of it will in no way prevent bonding. Hand-feeding does not guarantee a bird will stay tame. Hand-feeding is dangerous and doing it improperly can and will kill a bird. Birds should never be weaned on a strict timetable, gavage fed, or force weaned.

* A generally dirty store. If the staff doesn't care about the upkeep of the store, they obviously don't care about the conditions their birds are kept in.

* Allowing anyone to have contact with the birds in the store. Most avian diseases are airborne, and other bird caretakers can easily transfer disease to the birds in the store. All birds should be behind glass, and interaction with these birds should be supervised. Customers should wash their hands prior to handling birds.

* A lack of regular veterinary care for the birds in the shop.

Some pet stores even keep birds in these miserable conditions to take advantage of the "Pity Buy." They rely on those of us who want to "rescue" those poor birds. It pulls on your heartstrings to see these birds kept in miserable conditions. However, by purchasing birds from bad pet shops, we are helping them to purchase another bird to put in its place. We are helping that store stay in business.

by the Avian Protection Society


Lankomumo reitingas

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