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2024 г. апрель 19 д., пятница - Информационный портал
Lankomumo reitingas Версия для печати Spausdinti
How much do our eyes communicate and is playing hard to get a good thing?

Look into my eyes...

New York psychologist, Professor Arthur Arun, has been studying the dynamics of what happens when people fall in love. He has shown that the simple act of staring into each other's eyes has a powerful impact.

He asked two complete strangers to reveal to each other intimate details about their lives. This carried on for an hour and a half. The two strangers were then made to stare into each other's eyes without talking for four minutes. Afterwards many of his couples confessed to feeling deeply attracted to their opposite number and two of his subjects even married afterwards.

When we are aroused and interested in what we are looking at our pupils dilate. In medieval Italy, women put belladonna (literally meaning beautiful lady) into their eyes to make their pupils look bigger. However, this is not recommended, as belladonna is a kind of poison and eventually leads to blindness - these days its safer to stick to eye liner and mascara.

Mirror Me

When people are attracted to each other, they tend to sit or stand in the same way and copy each other's physical gestures. This is known as 'mirroring'. When someone does this, it marks good communication and shows us that our interest is reciprocated. Mirroring also happens when talking to close friends as well as potential lovers, so be careful not to misread signs of friendship as signs of love.

Don't Play Too Hard To Get

Research suggests that playing hard to get doesn't usually work. However, there is a theory that we tend to fancy people who are hard to get for everyone else, but easy for us to get.

Scientists tested this 'selective difficulty' theory by using a computer dating experiment. One woman was keen to meet any of the dates that the computer selected for her. Another played hard to get and wasn't enthusiastic towards any of her computer matches. A third was selective and only showed interest in one of the candidates. Out of all three women, the choosy woman was the most preferred by all the male participants.

Be Dangerous

Another experiment showed that if people experience fear on a date they often misinterpret that feeling as love. So dates at a theme park are likely to be successful. A bungee jump might even seal your relationship for life!

About the Author:

"Video Dating & Flirting"
"LetsMeetUp is a revolutionary video dating site, which allows members to create a personal video profile or watch other member's videos streamed to them live on demand. The Lounge eZine is brought to you by LetsMeetUp, and features hints and tips on dating, relationship advice, articles, love quizzes, poems and love recipies. LetsMeetUp is currently free to join, allowing you to logon and search for other members, watch videos, send and receive mail and chat!"


Lankomumo reitingas

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